Responsible Use of Technology

The Royal Crown School Mission and Vision and values guide us as we seek to model responsible use of learning technologies. Learning technologies at RCS include access to Schoology, access to the school wifi system, and use of the school computers and related software.

Learning Anytime

Technology provides opportunities to learn in class, outside of class and for our students to conduct research and participate in the act of inquiry.

Respect and protect the privacy of others

All members of the community will seek to create a safe and secure learning environment by respecting the privacy of others.

In particular we will:

• Use only our own email accounts

• Only view and use passwords, data, or networks to which we are authorized

• Not share private information about others or ourselves

Respect and protect the intellectual property of others

All members of the community will seek to respect the creativity of others and the contributions they make to our learning.

In particular we will:

• Acknowledge the work of others, for example using MLA referencing

• Submit only work that is our own. Assignments or tests generated by AI programs are not student produced work.

• Respect copyright laws

Respect and practice the principles of care and community

Members of our RCS community will seek to play a meaningful and supportive role with our physical and virtual communities.

In particular we will:

• Use technologies such as computers and cellphones as directed by RCS faculty and staff.

• Use technologies in a manner that does not distract others or ourselves from learning.

• Ensure a safe and healthy lifestyle that includes a balance of face-to-face communications, technology use and exercise.

• Communicate only in ways that are kind and respectful.

• Avoid damage to our own and other people’s technology resources.

• Only use technological resources that belong to others when we have permission.

• Immediately report any loss or damage to technology resources.

• Immediately report threatening or upsetting materials to a responsible adult

• Avoid intentional access, sharing, copying or creation of materials that violates the spirit of the school’s Student Code of Conduct, for example messages that may offend, threaten or harass, that are rude or discriminatory.

• Avoid intentional access, sharing, copying, or creation of material that is illegal (stolen materials or illegal copies of copyrighted works).

• Only install software and apps that are appropriate for use in school.

• Follow all RCS guidelines.

Consequences for Inapropriate use of Learning Technologies

Consequences for inappropriate use of learning technologies will be decided by RCS administration and may include:

1. Warnings and detentions

2. Suspensions

3. Removal of technology privileges at school

4. Possible involvement of legal authorities (in the case of distribution of illegal materials or harassment)

Supervision and Monitoring

Royal Crown School administration and teachers monitor the use of learning technologies to help ensure that use is secure and in conformity with this policy. Administration reserves the right to examine, use, and disclose any data found on the RCS data networks in order to further the health and safety of our students and staff. They may also use this information in disciplinary actions, and may be required to furnish evidence of crime to law enforcement officials.